How to Build a High Intent Account List for Sales Prospecting

2 minute read

The problem every SDR faces is—they don’t know if they are talking to the right prospect. They either buy lists or manually build lists based on whom they think their ICP is. Either way, it’s still going to be a hit or miss.

When you’re reaching out to prospects, you want to talk to those who are in the market for your product or service and match the intent you’re seeking. In this blog post, we will discuss how to build a high-quality account list based on intent data. By the end, you'll know exactly how to build a lead list that doesn't just fill up your pipeline, but pushes your revenue forward.

The need for a reliable list with high intent

As a sales rep, a reliable lead list of high intent prospects solves 50% of your problem. Why? Because a list built on intent data and a well-defined ideal customer profile (ICP) significantly enhances the chances of your prospecting efforts converting into pipeline. 

Imagine not having to sift through endless contacts that show no interest or worse, wasting time on prospects who don’t fit your product or service. A well-curated list of high intent prospects saves time, energy, and resources, enabling you to focus more on personalized outreach and less on the guessing game.

Intent data reveals the underlying behaviors and signals that indicate a prospect’s likelihood to convert. Combining this with a well-defined ideal customer profile (ICP) ensures you’re not just adding names to your list, but adding names that have a higher chance of becoming real opportunities.

But that said, different vendors mean different things when they talk of intent data. For example, what Bombora and ZoomInfo mean by intent data may significantly differ from nuanced and advanced platforms like Plena. 

So, we highly recommend you to checkout this article on how traditional vendors collect intent data and how it differs from vendor to vendor 👇

intent data
Understand this before investing in intent data

Steps to build a high-intent prospecting list

What is an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

The first step in building a high-quality lead list is to define your ICP. So, what is ICP, or Ideal Customer Profile? 

An ICP is a detailed description of the type of customer who would benefit most from your product or service. This isn’t just about demographic information—it’s about understanding the challenges and needs that your product can address.

To define your ICP, start by looking at your existing customer base. Identify the common characteristics of your most successful customers. Consider factors such as industry, company size, role, and even behavioral traits. The more specific you can get, the better. The goal is to create a profile so detailed that anyone from your sales team could use it to identify potential high-quality leads.

intent data

Define your offering and why it’s a fit for your ICP

Once your ICP is clearly defined, the next step is to align your product or service offering with their needs. Ask yourself, why is your offering a perfect fit for this ICP? How does it solve their pain points or add value to their business? Clearly articulating this helps in communicating the value proposition during your outreach.

Understanding the fit between your offering and your ICP will also help you identify high intent signals more effectively. If a prospect is engaging with content related to the pain points you solve, they are showing intent. Using intent data to identify these signals will make it easier to prioritize leads who are more likely to convert.

List down the platforms and forums where they hang out

Knowing where your ICP spends their time online is crucial. Different types of prospects interact in different spaces. LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B prospects, but don't overlook niche forums, industry-specific social networks, and even places like Reddit or Quora. Webinars and industry events, both physical and virtual, are also excellent venues to identify potential leads.

Listing these platforms and forums helps you focus your efforts and resources where they are likely to yield the best results. It also provides a way to gather more intent data, as you can observe and analyze how prospects interact and what topics they are interested in, further refining your lead list.

Define the intent you seek very specifically

Now that you have a clear picture of your ideal customer profile, the next step is to specify the kind of intent signals you want to track. Intent data encompasses a wide range of activities that indicate interest in a specific topic, such as visiting your website, downloading resources, engaging in product-related discussions on various forums, discussing a specific pain point, or more.

Identifying these specific actions will help you sift through potential leads and focus on those who are most likely to convert.

Prospects typically display their intent across a variety of forums—ranging from your own website and digital properties (first party data) to sources that you have no control or ownership over (third party data).

1st party intent data 

This includes site visits, form fills, social media interactions, webinar registrations, gated content downloads, email opens, etc. The data you collect from your own properties can be very revealing. You can get more details on the untapped value of 1st-party intent data

2nd party intent data 

These are typically data from sites like TrustRadius; and other non-owned publications including Capterra, G2; and content syndication, among others. 

3rd party intent data 

3rd-party data originates in any number of external, disparate, non-seller-controlled sources, both online and offline, including everything from purchase data, search history, ad bidding stats, personal social posts, social activity, visits to industry publications, interactions with other websites, public records, personal social profiles, account social activity, and more. It provides nuanced, custom insight into a prospect and gives you the knowledge you need to conduct highly personalized outreach so each pitch and interaction is more relevant. 

On that note, if you want to understand intent data in detail—how it helps improve the quality of your leads, here’s a primer you might want to check out. 👇

intent data
Intent data: How it creates better leads

The key point though is—-you need to be very specific about the kind of intent you’re looking for, in your prospects. For instance, you might want to specify that you’re seeking people with the intent to buy a CRM software, from Salt Lake City, from the banking and finance sector, whose intent can be mapped back to one of the sources shared above.

ideal customer profile

This is where AI really helps. Using the right tools can make a world of difference in gathering and analyzing intent data. For instance, using a tool like Plena can help you build a far more accurate and high intent list of prospects, rather than just putting together a list of accounts as suggested by traditional intent data tools.

Leveraging technology to gather Intent Data and build high quality lists

With Plena, all you need to do is—assign the bot a starting point, some high-level filters, and topics for intent signals. Our users most commonly pick from one of these sources as a starting point:

  • LinkedIn
  • Sales Navigator
  • Google Maps
what is ICP

However, Plena doesn’t restrict to the above three sources. You can ask the AI to read any website.  For example you might want to target people who left reviews on G2 or attendees of a specific trade show, or some specific job posting. 

You can even upload a file as a starting point for the bot’s research.

Let’s say, you selected LinkedIn.

First the bot filters people and companies based on the high level filters. Once a starting point is established, the bot begins its comprehensive data crawling process.

what is icp

It scours the internet, scraping all publicly available information and reading everything from profile summaries and job descriptions to social media activity, current company statistics, and recent PR releases. 

This exhaustive collection of data is then meticulously analyzed to identify potential intent signals based on the provided topics or keywords.

Once all the information is collected, Plena processes it to ascertain if there is any intent based on the topics or keywords you provided. If the answer is yes— a lead will be added to the list. 

The bot builds the list on demand and can take several hours to come back with a result. You’ll have a list of active leads with 50+ customized data points that are thoroughly researched and scored for intent. 

You will be able map why a contact was considered to be a high intent lead—what have they said, on what channel, when, and then use it contextually as part of your outreach to them.

Once you've gathered your intent data, you typically have to manage and segment your leads effectively. However with Plena, it’s not just about intent data but about the complete outreach workflow. So once you build the high intent prospect list, you can set up a multichannel outreach campaign to reach out to those prospects.

And if you currently use a sales automation tool (like Outreach, Instantly, Salesloft, Marketo, etc.), you can now instruct the Plena robot to perform all the same steps directly from your computer– instead of paying for a software tool.

Personalizing outreach for your high intent leads across multiple channels

So, with your high-quality lead list in hand, the next step is to craft personalized messages that resonate with your high-intent leads. The key here is to leverage the intent data you've collected to tailor your communication. 

This is where Plena adds real value to your outreach journey. It not only collects intent data, but also helps you with suggestions for your draft to ensure your message resonates with the prospect.

intent data

Imagine receiving a message that not only acknowledges a recent achievement of your company but also addresses a challenge that is currently at the top of your mind. For instance, a message that recognizes your company's recent product launch and offers a complimentary service tailored to enhance its market acceptance. This level of personalization, informed by an uncommon trigger, makes the message relevant and invaluable to the recipient, thereby fostering a connection that is primed for conversion.

And you can do this across multiple channels!

ideal customer profile

This multichannel approach not only increases the chances of getting noticed but also shows your commitment to engaging with the prospect.

Timing and frequency of outreach

When it comes to outreach, timing is everything. Intent data can provide insights into the best times to reach out to your prospects. For instance, if a prospect frequently engages with your content in the mornings, schedule your emails or calls during that time. Utilizing these insights ensures your messages are seen and increases the chances of engagement.

Frequency is another crucial aspect. While you don't want to overwhelm your prospects with constant communication, you also don't want to lose their interest by not following up. Following up is an art—a balance that keeps your brand top-of-mind without being intrusive.

We’ve put together some examples from our own experiences and learnings on how to make follow ups work 👇

follow up email
How to send a follow up email after no response

For high-intent leads, consider a more frequent follow-up schedule, whereas medium and low-intent leads might benefit from less frequent touchpoints.

Furthermore, track and analyze the results of your outreach efforts. Use this data to refine your strategy and optimize your approach. If certain messages or touchpoints are more effective, double down on those. Continuous improvement based on real-time feedback ensures your outreach remains effective and results-driven.

Pitfalls to avoid when building lead lists

Do not buy lists

Buying lead lists may seem like a quick fix, but it's a trap. These lists are often used by multiple sales teams, making the contacts over-saturated with pitches. What's worse, they are rarely updated, leading to a lot of outdated and incorrect information. 

A cold list with no intent data is anything but valuable—it’s merely a collection of names and contact details that more often than not, will lead you nowhere.

Instead of wasting money and time on these cold lists, focus on generating a list organically or through reliable data sources. Intent data ensures that your leads are not only fresh but also have shown genuine interest in products or services similar to what you offer.

Don’t rely on just one channel or source

Diversification isn’t just a buzzword in finance; it’s equally crucial in sales prospecting. Relying on a single source for your lead list can severely limit your reach. Different prospects hang out in different places—be it LinkedIn, industry forums, or even participating in webinars. 

By casting a wider net, you’re more likely to capture a diverse range of high intent leads that fit your ICP from various channels.

Merging data from multiple sources enriches your list and provides a more comprehensive view of each prospect's intent. The more touch points you can identify where your prospects interact, the better you can customize your outreach strategy.

Do not violate GDPR/Can-SPAM regulations

Compliance is non-negotiable. Always ensure that the owner has given consent for their data. GDPR and Can-SPAM regulations are designed to protect consumer privacy, and violating them can lead to hefty fines and damage your reputation. Use opt-in methods and always be transparent about how you intend to use the data.

Not only does adhering to these regulations keep you out of legal trouble, but it also builds trust with your prospects. When prospects see that you value their privacy and are transparent in your dealings, they are more likely to respond positively to your outreach.

Summing up…

Building a high-quality lead list for sales prospecting is a multi-faceted process that requires careful planning, execution, and continuous refinement. By focusing on intent data and clearly defining your ideal customer profile (ICP), you can create a lead list that not only fills your CRM but also drives meaningful progress in your sales pipeline.

Remember, the key to successful sales prospecting lies in understanding your prospects' needs and behaviors. By crafting personalized messages and following a well-timed and balanced outreach strategy, you can build strong relationships and convert high-intent leads into loyal customers.

Ultimately, a sustainable and effective lead list is one that evolves with your business and adapts to changing market conditions. Continuously monitor and refine your approach, and you'll be well on your way to sales prospecting success.

Each day without Plena = Lost Sales

With Plena — list building, contact enrichment and scalable multi-channel outreach is a breeze.